This is Hollywood,land of the real and the unreal.
The unreal are the actors, and the reelnothing more than a thing to put film on.
From up here, I guess it doesn't lookdifferent from your home town.
But how would you know? You don'tlook at your home town from a plane.
This is a town where peoplespend every waking hour
applying their talentsto the making of a product,
the only purpose of whichis to take you away from real life
into the wondrous land of make-believe.
What's your pleasure? Westerns?
How about a love story?Yes, a love story.
I love you very much.
Saying it is very trivial.
I love you, too.
Oh, my beautiful, wonderful man.
I could listen to you for hours.
But that would deprive meof the tenderness of your lips.
Don't speak any more. Nor shall I.
Kiss me, my love.
Yes, this is Hollywood,
where, for the price of a ticket,they will take you anyplace.
Anyplace, that is, except one.
Seldom will they let you insideone of those sound stages
where their magic potion is brewed,and we'll show you why.
Sometimes the good guysare afraid of horses.