Gemini to ground control.Reading you loud and clear.
Liftoff smooth.Ready for checklist.
Fuel is go,1.2 "G" cabin, 14 P.S.I.
Oxygen is go. Telemetryis go. All systems go.
Thank you. Thank you.
Control! Control!
I have a red on meteorite warning.Meteorite warning!
We are now passingthrough a meteorite field.
You will undoubtedly hear small meteoritespeppering the outer skin of the capsule.
Small meteorites are pepperingthe outer skin of the capsule!
Meteorite light off.Nothing to be afraid of, kids.
We are now passing overthe Hawaiian Islands.
Our flight plan will carry us to the recoveryarea 100 miles southeast of the Bahamas.
We are starting ourretrorocket countdown.
Five, four...
three, two, one.
Firing retrorockets-rockets.
We will be touching downin 20 minutes.
I have to go to the bathroom.We have just touched down.
Everybody, out. Mary first.Come on, Mary.
Bye, Mr. Spaceman.Okay, bye.
Bye, Mr. Spaceman.
He can't stand heights.
I enjoyed the ride,Mr. Spaceman.