11th Hussars present and readyfor your inspection, my lord.
I do not propose to recount my lifein any detail what is what.
No damn business of anyone what is what.
I am Lord Cardigan. That is what.
Them Cherrybums, you see them tight,I keep them tight.
10,000 a year out of my own pocketI spend to clothe them.
A master cutler sharps their swords,and I keep them tight-stitched...
...cut to a shadow. Good.
If they can't fornicate, they can't fight...
...and if they don't fight hard,I'll flog their backs raw...
...for all their fine looks.
Nolan. lt's Nolan.
There. Lewis!
He's seen us.
l've not seen him for years,and yet it will be like yesterday.
l hope l can love him as you do.
Dear friend!
-This is Clarissa?-This is my dear Clarissa.
l've landed two days.We were handed letters at Aden.