- I ain't gonna fight no dinge!- Listen to me, Frank.
- You wouldn't fight one when you had the belt.- I didn't have to, but you do.
In your hat, I do! I know what"retired" means, and that's what I am.
- I'll get you back in shape in a month.- You have tillJune.
I need time to promote it. This oneis even bigger than your last one.
- And this one's a breeze.- You'll smoke him in five.
- Four.- Two! They got glass jaws.
- Right, Cap'n Dan?- I ain't gonna fight no dinge!
Now, Frank, when you retiredwith that gold belt last summer...
nobody thought it wouldwork out like this.
We thought, match the two best heavies,and whoever beats who is the new top man.
- Right?- Right!
Nobody thought the nigger would lick one,then go after the other
all the way to Australia.
I was down in Melbourne for the paper,Mr. Brady, and let me tell you...
no paper here could printhow bad it really was.
He'd say, "Wanna hit me now, fella?"Then he'd let him.
Grinning all the time.Cuffing him, jabbing.
- Making smart-ass remarks to the crowd.- You're the white hope.
- I'm the what?- The white hope.
Every paper in the countryis calling you that.
He lands in San Franciscotomorrow. Come on!
How would you like it if he claimsthe belt's his because you won't fight him?
How would you like it if the wholedamn country says, "Brady let us down.
He let a loudmouth niggerbe champion of the world!"
Now, Frank, you go take a goodlong look at that belt...
then come on out here with it.
I know you trust me,and I say you can beat him.
And, Franklin, the good Lordhates a quitter.