This is the stageon which we will dramatize
13 days in which the world came
to the brink of nuclear war.
The names we use are real.
The action is based uponthe historical record
as drawn from reportage,academic studies,
eyewitness accounts,and official documents.
1962, the President of the United States,
John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
All Americans, as well as all our friends
in this hemisphere have become concerned
over the recent moves of the Soviet Union
to bolster the military power
of the Castro regime in Cuba.
It continues to be the policy
of the United States
that Cuba will not be allowed
to export its aggressive purposesby force,
or the threat of force.
Cuba will be prevented, by whatever means
may be necessary from taking action
against any partof the Western Hemisphere.
The weapons and military equipment
sent by the USSR to Cubaare designed exclusively
for defensive purposes,
and the President of the United States
knows what these means of defense are.
How can they threaten the United States?
No, you have invented this threat.
It is not the weapons you fear,
it is the revolutionary spirit.