God will punish you, Jelly Roll.
You scaredthe bejazus out of me.
Well, it ain't smartto live alone, Tom.
You start seeingscary shadows.
Red shadows.
God will frythose savages in hell.
I see them now dragging beasts andtheir belongs through the valley.
And I think,"What a waste of the Promise Land!"
You see here?
These little flags are us.And all this nothing is them.
Does it make sense to you?
It 's Indian territory.
Back in the olden days ofSpanish Conquest, every Friday...
I used to kill off 12 savagesin memory of the 12 holy apostles.
Those religious traditionsought to be kept up.
There are hundredsof frightening Christians...
ready and waitingfor this land to be opened up...
and willing to paygood prices for it.
Not everybody is as gooda Christian as you are, Tom.
Nowadays, you've got to havean excuse for killing Indians.
Like Major Cabot had,when he found out the wells poisoned.
- Oh, yeah!- We know, sure.
Someway, the Majordidn't put the poison himself.
But he found a lot of Indian beadsgathered around those wells.
If what we need is an excuse, whydon't we cook one up for ourselves?
We get undressed likethose Pagan savages...
and get rid of some white trashliving by himself.
Fast up, Tom. You'd beenchewed fat with Major Cabot.
No, I ain't. Why?
You're saying exactly the sameof he's being saying.