This way, please, ladies and gentlemen.
Follow me.
Round there, please. Thank you.
From the dynasty of Akbar the Magnificent,and for over a thousand years,
our nation's religious symbol,the Pink Panther;
largest and most famousdiamond in the world.
Irreplaceable, its value cannotbe estimated in terms of money.
Isn't the museum worriedthat someone might steal it?
The Pink Panther is protected by forcesmore impenetrable than any army.
Failing the radar shield, the slightest releaseof pressure in the weight of the diamond
and the would-be thiefis a prisoner of the Pink Panther.
Why is it called the Pink Panther?
The stone is flawed. If it's held upto the light in a certain way,
the figure of a springing panthercan be seen clearly.