-You look awful!-l had a late-night poker game.
You should have at least shaved.
This new Police Commissioner Blakelockis very spit-and-polish.
Fuck him.
But, Jesus God, Ben!You got to watch the way you look.
You can't walk in on thesebigwigs without shaving.
You just can't do that.
You should've put on a tie.
You should've shined your shoes.
You should've made an effortto spruce up a little bit.
Mr. Feyderspiel.
Shockley. How are you?
Fine, sir.
How's our Assistant D.A. these days?
Shit! He couldn't convict Hitler.
Don't use any profanity.
And remember to say ''sir'' to him.
When he speaks to you, say ''sir. ''Then stand up straight.
And for God's sakes,don't breathe on him.
Wait a minute, guy! Come on!
Open your mouth.
l wish l had time to shave you.
Nag, nag, nag!
E.A. Blakelock.
Ben Shockley, sir.
l've heard about you, Shockley.
As Commissioner of thepolice department. . .
. . .considerable responsibility.
Watchdog of the department,so to speak.
Policing the police.
So that the need forabsolute secrecy is--
l understand.
Plane tickets.
Extradite and subpoena.
You're flying to Las Vegas,coming back with. . .
. . .a prisoner for us. . .
. . .whom you will remandto custody at County.