And so todayyou are full-fledged ensigns.
Three short months ago youassembled here from all walks of life:
field, factory, officeand college campus.
You knew what the fighting was about,or you wouldn't have volunteered.
Each of you knewthat the American way of life...
must be defended by life itself.
From here on...
your education must continue inthe more demanding school of actual war.
Wearing the gold stripe of ensignin the United States Navy...
you go down to the sea to fight...
in the toughest conflict of all time.
Your fellow Americansshare my confidence...
that you'll serve the navyand the country...
with honor and distinction.
Good luck, and good hunting.
Willie! Over here!
-Darling, I'm so proud of you!-Thanks, Mother.
-Congratulations.-Thank you, Uncle Lloyd.
Your mother will tell me if the navydoesn't make use of your abilities.
With the proper approach, I couldhelp you be placed somewhere else.
-Good luck in the meantime.-Thank you.
I'm afraid I'll haveto skip your party tonight.
Some of the fellowsare having a celebration--
But the party's in your honor.
-Besides, we have so few days left---But Mother.
Your friends will forgive you.You can call them from the house.
I'll see you at 10:00.
your eyes of blue
your kisses too