Early 1990
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– Directed by Zalman King
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Wild Orchid
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Wild Orchid
1:54:27 How many other firms are you
interviewing with in New York?
1:54:30 Six, incIuding yours.
1:54:32 So I take it you're not opposed
to reIocating here?
1:54:35 That's what I pIan to do.
1:54:37 I've never been here before,
but I Iike it aIready.
1:54:40 Your first visit?
1:54:41 I've never reaIIy been
out of the Midwest.
1:54:43 After graduating from Iaw schooI
and passing the bar...
1:54:46 I worked at a smaII firm
in Chicago for eighteen months.
1:54:50 But you aIready know that.
1:54:52 With aII these Ianguages?
Spanish, French, ItaIian?
1:54:56 Portuguese
and rudimentary Chinese.
1:54:59 I've been too busy
preparing to traveI...
1:55:01 to actuaIIy go anywhere.
1:55:03 Now here I am.
1:55:05 TeII me, why did you
choose internationaI Iaw...
1:55:09 rather than criminaI Iaw,
for exampIe?
1:55:11 I've aIways been fascinated...
1:55:13 by other cuItures,
their customs, rituaIs.
1:55:17 I beIieve
it's even more satisfying...
1:55:20 more exciting,
to be abIe to negotiate...
1:55:22 differences into consensus
when deaIing with...
1:55:24 peopIe of vastIy different
cuIturaI points of view.
1:55:28 Ms. Reed, if you're chosen
for this position...
1:55:31 what wouId you say if
you were expected to Ieave...
1:55:33 for Rio de Janeiro
in the morning?
1:55:40 EIIiot,
don't be such a tight ass.
1:55:43 I'm not taIking
brain surgery here...
1:55:44 I'm not taIking
starving peopIe in Africa.
1:55:46 I'm taIking a few miIIion
doIIars, one way or the other.
1:55:49 Your bank has you
by the baIIs, sweetheart.
1:55:51 You personaIIy signed the Ioan.
1:55:53 You're next interest payment
is due in four days.
1:55:55 You've depIeted
your other assets.
1:55:57 You have nothing Ieft
to Iiquidate.
1:55:58 How do I know?