The entire tribe must notbe endangered. . .
. . .because of the defiance ofone person.
You must forget about him.
He was a wild spirit and this wasalways to be his fate.
You talk as if he's already dead
Even if he does survive this time,he's a greener. . .
. . .so set your sights elsewherefor a husband.
I'll never set my sights elsewhere.
-This is all the medicine I could find.-I'm sorry.
The gods took your fatherin the night.
As long as we stay here, there'llnever be enough to eat. Never.
There may be other placeswe could live where food is plentiful.
All it takes is one demon to followyou back from the forbidden land.
Then we'd all be struck down.
Have you ever seen one?
Have you?
Has anyone here ever seen one?
A demon?
A monster!
A beast!