Oh... what's the name
of that Burt Reynolds picturewith the banjo?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
that onewith that retarded kid.
He was good, that guy.
Yeah, he was good.
Coupla nights ago, me and Denise
we popped that into the DVD.
We're about an hourinto this thing
and I startthinking to myself
"this story ain'tvery realistic."
You're a lonely mountain man.
They're destroying your home.
They've taken your job.
There is no placeto set your still.
You are angry-they've destroyed
everything thatvalidates your manhood.
You're confused;your sexuality is in question.
You decide you're goingto hit for the other side.
You want yourselfsome man meat-
I understand that-but wouldn't you wait
for Burt Reynoldsto come downriver?