Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre

Where's the sweet little lamb?
They ate the little lamb?
I should build that palace.
Then I,
neither Cleopatra, the rain...

...the hail nor the locusts...
...would be Egypt's worst nightmare.
17, 18, 19, 20, 21...
474, 475, 476, 477...
- Boss!

Boss! I rushed myself...
I was thinking about some sort of machine...
...that would enable us
to reach the top of the pyramid.

Otis... can't this wait?
What are you counting, boss?
- I'm measuring.

Cleopatra wants a palace for Caesar.
Here. On this stroke of land.
From there... to there.
That would be a big palace.
It has to be modern and daring.
That's great. You can stop now...
...leave it to the experts.
No time, we've got 3 months.
Fine. And how much extra time?
None. We've got 3 months,
not a day more.

- That's obvious.

However urgent jobs
can be interesting.

It's not urgent, it's suicide.
If I fail,
I'll be fed to the crocodiles. And I saw them...

A crocodile is fast.
Not good.
I can't finish my machine.

Did you hear me
did you hear me?

Yes, no, but...
- Sorry, but I can be eaten.

Three months starting when?
