# If y'all feel that shitright about now #
# Come on, y'all,make some noise #
# If you're with me #
# Come on,y'all, yeah #
# Come on, y'all, make somenoise if you're with me #
# Make some noiseif you're with me #
# Make some noiseif you're with me #
# It's like that, y'all,and it sounds so nice #
# Hip-hop, you the loveof my life #
#We about to goto the top, y'all #
# Hip-hop love #
#To the top of hip-hop #
# It's like that, y'all #
#And it sounds so nice #
# Hip-hip, you the loveof my life #
#We about to go to the...to the... to the #
#To the... to the... to the...to the... to the... #
#The anticipationarose as time froze #
# I stared off the stagewith my eyes closed #
#And dove deepinto the cosmos #
#The impactpushed back... #
#The impactpushed back... #
Sidney, Voice Over:I started every interview
I've ever given the same wayfor over 10 years.
[On Tape] So, when did youfall in love with hip-hop?
Kool G Rap: I basically fellin love with hip-hop,
you know what I'm saying,when cats first started
going out to the parks,you know,
with the 2 turntables,the mic.
I think it was 1977.
People are rockingin the parks.
I can rememberback in the Bronx, 1979.
Set up some turntablesin front of the building.
And we wasgetting the power
from the streetlamps outside.
Plug it upinto the street pole.
MC-ing, DJJ-ing,b-boying, break-dancing.
Break-dancingor popping,
beats or rhymes, you know.I was in love with it.
Probably about12 years old, man.
And I was watchingWild Style.