You've got it! Come on!Do it, babe!
Come on, babe. Push!
Ooh! Ooh! Ooooh!
Push, push.
You can do it!
Ooh, it's a big 'un.Oh, I can feeI it coming.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, dear!
- One more push. Oh!- Come on!
One more!
Come on! Try and push!
(increasingIy rapid beeps)
I can see its head.Come on, Mrs Smash.
It's a fIyer!
- (appIause)- WeII done!
It's a boy, Mr Smash.
That was the first dayofmy life, ever.
- (baby cries)- (sobbing) Grab this, Doc.
For about 30 seconds,...
..my mum and dad werethe happiest people in the world.
- (doctor) Say cheese!- And then it happened.
(baby farts)
(farts through baby intercom)
And it never stopped happening.
Your turn, darIing.
(steamy whoosh)
(Ioud fart)
(china smashes)
Go to sIeep.