I could've had it easy,lazing the hours away by my pool.
Instead, here I am back in this drafty,beat up old shack,
for my daily meeting with you.
In the shade,45s on the record player,
45° under the tin roofand my skivvies sticking to me.
It reminds me of the storyof James and Consia.
Love was something they invented,but they paid the price.
James, 6'2", wide shouldered,the classic hunk, in person.
Jinxed from the start.
Hardly a spaceman,but a great fan of lingerie
and an occasional stuntman.
That's what brought him to Skotlett.
It was so hotthe eggs fried in the fridge.
Skotlett, or nowheresville,dear audience.
Life was good therebefore James arrived.
How's it going?I'm looking for a guy called Bosco.
Bosco, owner of the Sam Paradiso Bar.
The man who made Skotlett.
Mr. Bosco to you.
Yes, sir. I'm the stuntman.
- You just get here now?- Sorry.