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"Atomik Circus - Le retour de James Bataille" torrent
Mixed Reviews
Thin Acceptance
– Directed by Didier Poiraud
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Atomik Circus - Le retour de James Bataille
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Atomik Circus - Le retour de James Bataille
:00:08 I could've had it easy,
lazing the hours away by my pool.
:00:13 Instead, here I am back in this drafty,
beat up old shack,
:00:17 for my daily meeting with you.
:00:22 In the shade,
45s on the record player,
:00:26 45° under the tin roof
and my skivvies sticking to me.
:00:30 It reminds me of the story
of James and Consia.
:00:33 Love was something they invented,
but they paid the price.
:01:06 James, 6'2", wide shouldered,
the classic hunk, in person.
:01:11 Jinxed from the start.
:01:13 Hardly a spaceman,
but a great fan of lingerie
:01:17 and an occasional stuntman.
:01:30 That's what brought him to Skotlett.
:01:33 It was so hot
the eggs fried in the fridge.
:01:36 Skotlett, or nowheresville,
dear audience.
:01:41 Life was good there
before James arrived.
:01:44 How's it going?
I'm looking for a guy called Bosco.
:01:48 Bosco, owner of the Sam Paradiso Bar.
:01:52 The man who made Skotlett.
:01:53 Bosco.
:01:54 Mr. Bosco to you.
:01:56 Yes, sir. I'm the stuntman.
:01:58 - You just get here now?
- Sorry.