Moderate Acceptance
– Directed by Heitor Dhalia
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:00:47 I've got a theory. Indlvlduals
are dlvlded In two categorles:
:00:51 The ordlnary and the extraordlnary.
:00:55 Ordlnary people are correct...
:00:57 those Ilvlng In obedlence
and who Ilke Ilvlng Ilke that.
:01:01 Now, the extraordlnary are those
who create somethlng new...
:01:06 all those who break the
old laws, the destroyers.
:01:11 The flrst malntaln the world as it Is.
:01:14 The others wlll move the world
to attaln to thelrobjectlves...
:01:18 even If to do so,
they have to commit a crlme.