"STRIKE", the first filmof prominent director
Sergei Eisenstein,has been released in 1924.
It played a considerable part
in the development
of the art of cinema.
A Production of theFirst State Film Factory.
The film has been restoredin Gorki studios in 1969.
Scenario PROLETKULT Underthe Editorship of V. Pletnykov
Performed by the FirstWorkers' Theatre of Proletkult
Directed bySergei Eisenstein
CameraEduard Tisse
SetsV. Rakhals
"The strength of the workingclass is organization.
Without organization of the masses,the proletariat is nothing.
Organized, it is everything.Being organized means unity of action,
the unity of pratical activity."Lenin, 1907
PART ONE :All is calm at the factory
All is calm at the factory,