The Broadway Melody

Now don't worry.
You see that electric sign
of the fellow in BVDs?

- Yeah.
- Well, right there...

...they're gonna have
the Mahoney Sisters.

- In BVDs?
- Yes, in BVD...

Baby, they were plenty smart
when they made you beautiful.

Come on, let's get cleaned up
before Eddie gets here.

I'll run a tub for you.
The Mahoney Sisters in BVDs.
Hey, what are you singing?
The bubble song from Lux.
Will you join me?
No use of us both getting wet.
Will you wash mine?
I might as well. You never wash
anything but your neck.

I not only wash them.
I gotta pick them up.

Oh, Hank, I didn't think.
Oh, you never do.
Oh, don't strain yourself.
I'll get them.

Oh, boy, this is going to be good.
Oh, I'll go.
Can you imagine my embarrassment?
Uncle Jed!
Hello, honey. How are you?
- Fine, and you?
- Great.

- Gee, I'm glad to see you, Hank.
- Oh, Queenie, hurry up. It's Uncle Jed!

Uncle Jed?
I'll be right out.
What a break for you.
- I'll be with you in just a minute.
- All right, honey, but hurry.
