The Broadway Melody

Now, Queenie, don't act this way.
He ain't the right kind of a guy
for you to go out with.

What difference does it make
what kind of a guy he is?

I'm going out with him because I...
Well, because I want to.

- Oh, no, you're not.
- Oh, yes, I am.

You're not! You're gonna listen to me.
I can take care of myself. And you
can both mind your own business.

Why don't you mind your sister?
She knows best.

You keep out of this.
I've got my own life to live,
and I'm gonna live it.

I'm not gonna be the third wheel
to anybody's bicycle!

Oh, Queenie!
Oh, Eddie, what'll we do?
Why, she's never gone
against my advice before.

Don't worry, Hank. She's only a kid.
She'll snap out of it.

I guess the bright lights
got under her skin.

Come on, let's go
and get a bowl of chili.

- Oh, you didn't go. You didn't go!
- I couldn't, Hank.

Oh, dear! I'm so glad.
Oh, they're elegant.
- Yeah. Where do I park them?
- Wait a minute. Put them over there.
