All Quiet on the Western Front

Bayonet drill.
That's what I want.

You won a medal
that time, Mueller.

You wait. In about a month
I'll be covered with 'em.

Say, keep your boots
out of my face!

Why, it's an honor to have
those boots in your face.

They're the best pair in the army!
My uncle gave 'em to me.

Just look at that
special imported leather.

Put 'em anyplace you like,
except in my face.

Not even a kitchen maid'll
look at me in this!

Well, for the love of --
It's Himmelstoss!

- So it is.
- And all dressed up.

Hello, Himmie. You didn't think
you'd see me again so soon, did you?

- You see my rank?
- Sure.

Fall back, then!
- Himmelstoss, we certainly are glad to see you.
- What did you say?

- I was going to say--
- Never mind!

- What's the matter with you?
- When you address your superior officer, say "sir"!

- Where'd he get such a nice uniform?
- Any mail for us, Himmie?

- Quiet!
- My dear fellow, you're shouting.

Ah, come on, Himmelstoss. We know ya.
Take off the false whiskers.

- I believe you mean it!
- You'll find out that I mean it.

- But only three days ago you were our postman.
- Silence!

Come back here!
Line up!
Line up! Get in
some kind of a line!

All of you!
Line up, I say!

What a pretty sight
that is!

Have you never heard
of standing in line?

You make
a fine mess of it.

Well, I'll have
to teach you.
