- Oh, God, it's Franz!
- Get him over there!
No, he's been hit in the stomach.
He can't have anything to drink.
Get a stretcher.
Where'd they get you,
- Here it is, sir.
- Take his head.
All right. Take him out.
- Is it serious, sir?
- I'm not sure.
- Tell the others he's all right.
- Yes, sir.
If we're going to fight,
why don't we fight?
Why don't we go over?
You could go crazy
staying here.
Let's do something!
- Let's go after 'em!
- Sit down!
If that cook of ours had any guts,
he'd try to bring something through.
He's so far behind the lines
he can't hear the shooting!
- Here's Kat. Get anything?
- Any luck?
- We'll have to split this up among us.
- Something to eat!