And I wouldn't even know you if I did.
And yet,
I'll remember you always.
Oh, if you could only know how different
this is from the women we soldiers meet.
You. That's what I'm talking about.
It seems as though all war
and terror and grossness...
had fallen away from me...
like a miracle.
Like something
I never believed.
Pauvre garcon.
Pauvre garcon.
Frau Paul.
We're going, Paul.
Have a look.
Nice, new coffins. Huh! For us.
I must say, that's a very cheerful
preparation for this offensive.
That's very considerate of them. But I don't
see any long enough for our comrade Tjaden.
Mind you, I'm not speaking
to you, you traitors.
- But no coffin's gonna get me.
- I should say not, heartbreaker.