Catholic hospital,
They say you always get
good food and good treatment.
- We're lucky.
- After that rainy dressing station...
and 24 hours on the train,
we deserve to have some luck.
I'm Hamacher.
that's my name.
I got a crack in the head
and they gave me a certificate stating,
"Josef Hamacher
is periodically...
not responsible
for his actions."
And ever since then,
Hamacher has been having a grand time.
I hope you boys are not
too badly wounded.
The others die off so quickly
we don't have time to get acquainted.
You'll get to know us...
very well.
Thank you.
You too.
I'm sorry, my dear.
It's time to go now.
Yes, sister.
If they take his clothes away,
you've seen the last of him.
- See? They're taking him to the dying room.
- Dying room?