Anna Christie

I forgot where the front door was.
-It's all right. It's all right with me.
-That's it, Marthy.

Oh, Marthy, hold my hand.
Hold my hand.
Well,I declare. How can you
do a thing like that?

Wait a minute, now. I'm all right.
I wasn't a tightrope walker for nothing.
Oh, Marthy. Look out.
That's whatI get
for being a tightrope walker.

See, that's-- Where are we?
There we are.
-We go down and get a drink.
-No, wait, hon.

Oh, the horses. Oh, where are you?
-Here, Marthy.
-Old fool,I thought I'd lost you.

Just an old fool.
Come on. Here we go.
Come on. Oh, what was that?
Wait, wait. The doors.
-That's not funny.

-There's the entrance.
-All right...

...wait, wait, wait.
Hold on.

You wait here, Marthy.
-I go let you in.
-Oh, all right.

''Ladies' entrance.''
Well, that's a g--
Well, why not?
Said she,
with all the dignity in the world.

-Well, hello, Johnny.
-Hello, Chris. How are you?

Come and have a drink on me.
Come on, Larry.

Drinks for the house,
and have one yourseIf.

Oh,I got money, plenty money.
Speak of the devil, Chris,
we was just talking about you.

-Hello, Chris, put it there.
-Larry, give us a drink.
