Anna Christie

What's the matter with you,
you old punk?

Gonna keep me
standing out there all night?

I'm sorry, Marthy.
JustI talk with Johnny.

What you think you like
for drink, whiskey?

Well, I'll take a scoop of lager
and ale for a chaser.

I go bring back for you, Marthy.
Lager and ale for Marthy, Larry.
Whiskey for me.

Right you are. By the way, Chris,
we've got a letter for you...

...from St. Paul, Minnesota.
And a lady's writing.
Then that must come from my
daughter, Anna. She living there.

I don't get letter from Anna,
must be year.

That's a fine fairy tale, your daughter.
Sure, I'll bet it's from some skirt.

Oh, no, this come from Anna.
I see....
By golly,I think I'm too drunk
to read that letter from Anna.

I thinkI go sit down for minute.
You bring drink in backroom, Larry.
All right.
Well, where's my lager and ale,
you old stiff?

Oh, Larry bring.
Larry bring, sweetheart.

How are you?
Good news?
Well, what do you got there?
Well, by jiminy,
what you think of that?

My daughter, Anna, say
she coming here right away.

She got sick on job
in St. Paul, she saying.
