Anna Christie

AndI was thinking, seeing he ain't
done a thing for me in my life...

...he might be willing to stake me with
a room and eats untill could rest up.

ButI ain't expecting much from him.
Give you a kick when you're down,
that's what all men do.

AndI don't suppose he'll turn out
no better than the rest.

Do you hang around this dump much?
Oh, off and on.
Why, maybe you know him, my old man.
Well, it-- lt isn't old Chris, is it?
-Who, old Chris?
-Yeah, Chris Christopherson.

-That's his full name.
-That's him.

Anna Christopherson is my reaI name...
...only out there,I call myseIf
Anna Christie.

-So you know him, huh?
-Oh, I've seen him around here for years.

What kind is he?
Well, he's as fine an old guy
as ever walked on two feet...

...and that goes.
Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Why, you think he'll stake me
to the rest cure I'm after, then?

Surest thing you know. Where'd you
get the idea that he was a janitor?

Well, he wrote me he was himseIf.
He's lying.
He's a captain on a barge.
A barge? What kind of a barge?
Well, coal, mostly.
A coaI barge?
Well, well. If that ain't a swell job...
:21:41 find your long-lost old man
working at.

Oh, gee.
Well, that puts the kibosh
on his giving me a rest.

Why? Couldn't you live on it too?
Who, me? On a dirty coaI barge?
Well, what do you thinkI am?
