I just got here a little while ago.
Oh, it's-- It's good for see you
after all them years, Anna.
Well, it's good to see you too.
Anna lilla. Anna lilla.
Oh,I had an awfuI trip getting here.
I'm all in.
Had a hard time finding
this place, too, you know.
I've never been in
New York before, and....
I'm just out of the hospitaI two weeks.
You, Anna? Oh, by golly.
But you feeI better now,
though, don't you?
You look little tired, that's all.
I am...
...tired to death.
I need a long rest.
That's whyI made up my mind
to come and see you.
I thought if you had a place where
maybe, if you didn't mind having me...
...I could rest up for a while. Untill felt
able to get back on the job again.
Oh,I got nice place for rest, Anna.
You rest all you want.
You don't never got to be
nurse girI no more.
You stay with me, by golly.
You're really glad to see me, honest?
Oh, Anna, I'm glad more like
everything for see you,I tell you.
Don't you talk no more about getting job.
You stay with me.
I don't see you for long time...
...and I'm getting old.
I got no one in world but you...
...and I'm going to tell you
about everything...
...and you tell me all thing
what happen to you.
But not here, now.