Anna Christie

I bet we look like ants to them.
I bet they can't even see us down here.
On trip back,
I take you up in Woolworth Building.

There you see everything.
I've seen too much already.
You know, Anna, you was
awfuI pretty girl.

I bet you all men see you
fall in love with you, by Jiminy.

You cut that.
You talk just as they all do.

No harm your father talk that way, Anna.
Oh, fine father you are. Like a stranger.
Why didn't you ever
come out west to see me?

I'm sorry, Anna,
but after your mother die...

...I want come see you
end of every voyage...

...but whenI get money
for coming west,I forget.

I get drunk and spend all money.
I don't know why, Anna,
but that's the way with most sailor fella.

That old deviI sea.
She make them crazy fools
with her dirty tricks. ls so.

Well, it's good you got something
to blame it on.

Kind of tough for me, though.
I know, Anna, I'm sorry.
But if you stay with me,I make you glad.

I make you forgive me
for being no-good father.

lt sounds okay with me.
I'll try anything once.

I'm glad you like it here on barge
with your old father, Anna.

Who saidI like it?
Well, you change a lot in one week.
The sea air make you feeI good again, eh?
Maybe.I don't know.
Four bells. What time is that?
Six o'clock.
Funny, all this sea talk.
I'm getting onto the lingo.
