That's all right.
I like that shoe very much.
That shoe he's stretching
looked very serviceable.
I doubt, Madam, if you'll ever
be able to wear it out.
Here, you may leave
fifteen minutes early...
and deliver these
on your way home.
Yes, sir.
- How does that feel?
- That feels fine.
I thought it would.
You know, Madam, your instep
is much too beautiful...
to be spoiled
by a short-vamped shoe.
- Oh, do you really think so?
- I certainly do.
Now, that feels very well
in there, doesn't it?
- Yes, it does.
- And it's comfortable?
Madam, your instep
is much too beautiful...
to be spoiled by a sh...
Yes, ma'am. Always, yes, ma'am.
Would you get me
a glass of water?
Yes, ma'am.
Oh! Oh! You... you idiot!
Oh, of all the dumb tricks!
Look at me! You... you...
Henry, did you put
my music in the car?
Yes, Miss.
It's right on the back seat.
Oh, I have it. Here it is.
Say, pansy.
Yeah? He ain't got no right
bustin' into my car...
that way, either.
Anyway, I think he did it
on purpose.
Get back in the car, Henry.
Don't pay any attention
to this big brute.
Say, lady,
this is a private scrap.
I'll pull that guy
out of the car and...
Here, here. What do you mean
by using that tone of voice...
to this young lady?
Why, you ought to be
ashamed of yourself.
Besides, you have no right...
leaving your car parked here
in other people's way.
Now, listen,
if this happens again...
I'm going to see to it