And now, gentlemen, we come
to the subject of leather.
Very few people realize
what leather really is...
and what it means to mankind.
Where would we be
without leather?
I ask you.
It's leather that turns
the wheels of our industries!
It's leather
in the time of war...
furnishes our horses with
harness to pull the cannons...
to conquer our enemies!
And then, where would
Napoleon have been...
without leather
to make a saddle?
He'd have been riding bareback!
And then think!
Think of shoes!
Without them,
we would be uncivilized.
Barefoot like tea garoni.
Could we walk through
snow and slush barefoot?
Could we walk
through the desert barefoot?
No! A thousand times no!
That's the way
you should've talked...
at the American Club
two months ago.