The house is crowded.
We have a full-house!
This is a crucial evening for me.
lf you make a good impression, you can
perform here as long as you want.
I don't know, if you've heard
of me in Europe. Never mind.
Anyway. Morocco's high-society
patronize my establishment.
What else did I wish to say. Oh, yes.
Be clever and get yourself a
personal bodyguard as soon as possible.
lt's good for your prestige.
A legionnaire from the foreign legion.
They'll tell you stories, the officers
from the legion, they act all important.
An ordinary legionnaire.
That would be a big fish.
They'll tell you, soldier
so-and-so is a Russian Prince ..
or a former General
who joined the legion
to escape his past.
Don't believe it, my child!
The ordinary Legionnaire is a nobody
with 75 Centimes pay a day. Thanks.
Get yourself an officer!
They've got money.
My honorable Ladies & Gentlemen.
As you yourselves know,
it's no easy task
to continuously provide my
establishment with new talent.
For some unknown reason,
the performers don't remain here long.
lt must have something to do with the
heat. I do my best and pay