- There they are. Plenty of room for them.
- Cut that out, Kid, and get out.
Hey, isn't that young Mr. Cravat, there?
By golly, it is.
Over here. What do you say?
I know what will fetch him.
Watch his ears perk up
when he hears the old Travelers.
Let's give it to him.
High rickety! Well, you old...
Hello, buddy. Old Buck.
Well, hate to be making it into a firefight.
If it ain't the old honker, himself.
Got yourself hitched?
Yeah, I've got a wife and son,
four years old now.
Aye, this is like a Fourth of July
celebration on Judgment Day.
- Beats all Creation.
- Say, where are you heading for, Yancey?
- I'm cutting dirt for the Little Bear Creek.
- That's the spot, believe me.
Yes, indeed.
You're Yancey Cravat, aren't you?
- And you?
- Lee, Dixie Lee.
- Indeed.
- Going for a town site?
No, I'm going for a quarter-section ranch
out at the Little Bear Creek.
That's funny,
I'm heading for Little Bear, too.
Well, I know just the piece of land I want.
It's deep in the gully
and a lot of scrub over.