Yancey, where's that iron skillet?
I can't find it anywhere.
- Right here, sugar, with the stove.
- Why didn't you tell me?
Cim, honey, get up off the ground.
It's too damp.
You know, I think we ought to
get out that old rag rug...
and put it down here for supper.
Right you are, honey.
I think Aunt Cassandra must have put
the andirons in here, sugar.
- High rickety!
- Isaiah!
Please let me stay,
Master Yancey, Miss Sabra.
I'll help, I'll work, I'll do everything.
I'll help you in Oklahomy.
Please let me stay.
Well, you're here,
I reckon you can stay, Isaiah.
I hope you go to heaven when you die.
Let me do that cooking, Miss Sabra.
I'll fix them.
Yeah, you start right in
by getting some wood.
- Now, scoot.
- I'm scooting.
There's loyalty, Sabra,
that money can't buy.