
The cleaning out of that gang
is one of the first moves...

to make this town fit to live in.
Thanks to you, Yancey.

- Horrible, he might've...
- But he didn't, honey.

Everything's all right.
- Did you have to kill him like that?
- No, I could've let him kill me.

Congratulations, Mr. Cravat.
Haven't seen you since the run.

Well, how do you do Miss...
No wonder.
- I heard you were in town.
- You've known.

Yes, I'm here.
Thought you'd settle down
on that quarter section that I didn't get.

Well, I tried to be a farmer,
but I had to give up the land.

The neighbors' wives formed a vigilance
committee, and I left by request.

A vigilance committee would.
You haven't said a word
all the way home, pet.

What's stirring you?
That woman, smirking and smiling.
And you stood there actually
talking to her, holding her hand...

after she'd stolen your land in the run, too.
She wanted that land because she was
trying to give up her way of living...

- was desperate.
- Well, what's she doing here, then?

Driven out by the neighbors...
she heard the railroad was coming
through and came down here.

You talk as though
you know a lot about her.

A little. Comes from a good family,
victim of circumstances.

Well, in a way, she's a good girl.
A good girl?
I know a lot of people
scattered over Oklahoma...

that shouldn't cast a stone at her.
Don't you quote your Bibles
and Magdalenes at me, Yancey Cravat!
