Old family recipe.
You must take some between meals
to keep your strength up.
Thank you, Mrs. Wyatt.
- How is the little darling?
- Simply blooming.
I do want to congratulate you
on the first anniversary of the newspaper.
"In youth and beauty, wisdom is so rare."
That reminds me,
your idea of the new club.
- We must take up literature, too.
- Yes, and maybe early American history.
Why, honey,
don't you know you're making it?
Wallpaper! Why, it's the first in town.
- Where'd you get it?
- In Mr. Hefner's store.
- I had him send East for it.
- Has he got any left?
I think so. I think he got several patterns.
It's a new department.
Do tell. Well, I must be going. Goodbye.
Goodbye, Donna.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
I reckon Louis Hefner's
gonna have a run on wallpaper soon.
I want to get a nice little
dainty rosebud pattern...
for Donna's new bedroom.
Should we get a new house, too?
Sugar, you are getting ambitious.
I can't tell you half the things I'm thinking.
Yancey, I feel so light...
- so queer. I think I'm going to...
- Sugar. Honey.