
We'll be looking for you.
I'm gonna sell out everything I got...

and head for that Cherokee land.
Well, I would, too,
but I don't think the foot will hold.

Headline for the Cherokee article, Jess...
- and lock her up.
- Well, my crackers!

This extra will be sold out
before 10 minutes.

You know, every...
I think that was the nicest
club meeting we've ever had.

Your speech was so interesting,
Mrs. Cravat.

Thank you.
Don't forget the next meeting
is at my house.

- Election for president.
- I won't forget.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

See you Saturday
at the croquet tournament.

Yes, indeed.
- Cim, dear, look out for Donna.
- All right, Mama.

She would be the first in town
to have balloon sleeves.

I never...
- Why don't you fix that?
- We are fixing it.

What, with cracks to fall through?
You know, I understand balloon sleeves
were all the style...

at the Chicago World's Fair.
Do tell.
That's terrible.
Don't cry, darling.
- Why, it's Betsy Levitt.
- Did you ever?
