And now, one who has become
a member of our family by marriage...
my son's wife, a chief's daughter...
a full-blooded Osage Indian...
Ruby Big Elk, Mrs. Cimarron Cravat.
I greet you in words taught me as a child.
May you long travel the path of life...
in days that are calm and peaceful.
And my grandchildren...
Felice and Yancey II.
I'm sorry, this afternoon,
that I cannot present to you...
my husband...
but he's out of the city.
I know he would be glad
to be here to greet you.
As for myself...
I can only thank you
for the office you have conferred upon me.
The women of Oklahoma...
have helped build a prairie wilderness
into the state of today.
The holding of public office
by a woman is a natural step.
I pledge you that I will do my best.