Listen, child, you've just done me
a great, great service.
If ever you need a helping hand,
count on me.
Grandpa Tulip.
23, rue des Vieilles Haudriettes.
Are you done playing?
I have to run out the door.
Then I won't keep you.
Would you mind
if I kept the jacket?
But it's not mine.
It's worthless.
Let go!
Will you let go of me!
- I'll put the cuffs on you.
- Leave him to us.
Let go!
You're hurting me!
- He's not our man.
- He's not?
What d'you want?
Will you pay us?
Will you pay us?
Will you pay?
We'll count to three.
We'll count to three.
What's got into you?
Read this.
One of us is a millionaire.
- Millionaire?
- That's right, fella...
- What's the matter?
- Look.
NO. 27 009 WlNS
The Dutch Lottery!
We bought tickets.
Who won, you or me?
The tickets!
What's this nonsense?
Is it you? Or me?
Listen, please!
The tickets!
You noted the numbers.