Little Caesar

...and it sure is good to see
all you gents with your molls here.

Well, I...
I guess that's about all.
And I wish you birds wouldn't get
drunk and raise Cain...

...because that's the way
a lot of birds get bumped off.

Yeah. Lay off that stuff.
I know what I'm...

A couple of newspaper guys wanna take
a picture. What do you say, boss?

Well, what do you think of that, huh?
Sure. Send them in.
Tell them to make it snappy.

- I'll see you later.
- Oh, don't go away.

- We're going to have our pictures taken.
- I haven't had my picture taken...

:38:36 the last 15 years.
Well, what do you think of that?
15 years, he hasn't...

Come on, boys, make it snappy.
Come on, now! Quiet, everybody!
We're gonna get mugged!
There you are. Now, hold it.
Hold it, still!
Look at the guys over there.
That was a bad play
you made then, Rico.

That flashlight.
- They might pick you up on that.
- Well, what do I care?

Don't I want folks to see
what the boys think of me?

Hey, Rico, what become of that pal
of yours, that dancer guy, Joe Massara?

He didn't come.
He ain't been around in a long time.
He didn't quit on you, did he, Rico?
Bad business to quit on me, Sam.
One guy tried that on me once.
Now, you mind your own business
and let me tend to my own.

What does that bull want in here?
- I'll show him where he gets off.
- Careful, Rico.

Who invited you here?
You're getting up in the world,
aren't you, Rico?
