Now, you don't want the Big Boy
to think you ain't got no class.
They rig you up better than this
in the stir.
If you think I'm going out
in this, you're crazy!
You look fine, boss.
- Go on. Take a peek at yourself.
- Oh, I don't know.
All I need is a napkin over my arm.
Now, don't you look fine?
I guess maybe I don't look so bad
after all.
Oh, hello.
- Hello, Big Boy.
- Hello, Rico.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Thanks.
Thanks very much.
Well, you're rather
lit up tonight, aren't you?
Yeah. I thought I better put on
a monkey suit.
That's right.
You may as well learn now.
Some joint you got here.
It'll do.
I bet all this trick furniture
set you back plenty, huh?
Well, they don't exactly give it away
with cigar coupons.
Well, I'll tell the world.
Boy, it sure look...
Oh, look at that.
- Do you like it?
- Oh, I think it's elegant.
That cost me $ 15,000.
Fifteen thou...
Boy, them gold frames
sure cost plenty of dough.
Well, will you have a cocktail
or a dash of brandy?
Oh, no, thanks.
I never touch the stuff.
- Cigar, then?
- Oh, yeah. I'll have one of those.
Thanks very much.
- Sit down, Rico.
- Yeah. Thanks.