We have to put things right
again or we'll all be ruined
Our funds are exhausted.
We'll have to use money allocated
for our colleagues' wives who
are being ''hosted'' by the state
Furthermore, our reputation
is suffering
Gentlemen, the cops are looking
for the murderer in our ranks!
When l run into a cop while on
business, he knows the risk
and so do l. lf one of us dies,
OK, that's a risk one takes
lt can happen. But you and l are
not on the level of this murderer
We are doing our job,
we have to make a living
But this monster has no right
to live. He must disappear!
He must be eliminated,
without pity, without scruples
Gentlemen, our members have
to carry on normal business
without being handicapped
by nervous policemen
l ask you for advice
l suggest a closer watch on
lD cards, systematic searches
and police raids. More raids,
and much tougher ones
Spies. We need spies among
the police to give us warnings
The girls must take a little more
notice of the cops
We get into trouble because one
of the girls has talked too much
to her cop boyfriend. Now the girls
have to tell us what gives
We must be allowed to search
any house, apartment, back yard
in order to find a clue
We have contacts, we have to make
a statement to the press