The majority of them
doesn't realize
that a child disappearance
is also their problem
l've got an idea! Let's get
one of those guys, a telepath
one who finds handkerchiefs and
pocketbooks that have been hidden
l don't think the reward is enough
Chief, we have to offer a real
fortune for the murderer
None of this is getting
us anywhere
-That won't do any good.
-What's your idea?
Well, we just can't wait until the
police decide to arrest the fellow
The difficulty in solving crimes
like this comes from the fact
that the criminal and the victim
are connected only by chance
An instantaneous impulse
is the killer's only motive
We find the victim, we
identify him, then we find out
when he was last seen.
Then, nothing more
Children disappear
and you know what state
we find them in
if we find them
And the killer... as we know,
in this kind of crime
never leaves a mark behind
This is what makes our job so hard
and our success so rare