In revenge, she'd tickle me.
I'm sure you'd rather not
talk about it.
When I think that
all that is gone forever.
I weep every night.
I can't go on, Monsieur Brun.
What's to be done?
I've made up my mind.
Come on now. Think it over.
I have already. I can't endure
such suffering any longer.
Don't act hastily.
I've decided
to marry again at once.
- Marry again?
- As soon as possible.
After all, she's dead.
I can't bring her back.
Some may say
I've not waited long enough,
but my conscience is clear.
I've wept more in four months
than others do in years.
Tears as big as that,
Monsieur Brun.
And moans and cries -
I don't know how I've borne it.
Yes, I'm to be pitied.
What do you think?
I'll wager you've got
someone in mind.
Yes, of course.
I'm going to propose today.
Who is it?
I can't tell you yet.
But I'll be sending you
an invitation to the wedding.
I'm inviting
all my clients and friends.
There will be
only one person missing.
My poor Felicity.
She always loved a party.
But that's life.
It wasn't God's will.
She'll be happier up there
looking down on events.
The Malaisie's mate is here.
Right. It's a big order.
I must put my best foot forward.