Here you are, Mummy.
- What's that for?
- Good luck.
Thank you, Johnny. I need it.
- Goodbye, Ned.
- Goodbye, Helen.
I hate to see you do this.
Don't, Ned. Don't make it too difficult.
Good night, Ned. Good night, Johnny.
Good night, Helen.
What time will you be back?
It might be late, better not sit up for me.
Good night.
- Bye, Mummy.
- Goodbye, Johnny.
Come on, Johnny,
we better have our dinner now.
Gee whiz, are we going to have dinner
on our own every night?
I don't know, Johnny.
So you're the Blonde Venus?
Don't tell me you thought of that label
all by yourself.
No, Mr. O'Connor told me
it would help me in my work.
He would. He didn't have to think up
any name for me...
when I helped put this dump on the map.
My name's "Taxi Belle" Hooper.
Taxi for short.
Do you charge for the first mile?
Say, you trying to ride me?
Don't get the wrong idea.
They call me Taxi...
because I won't ride in nothing else.
Safety first, that's my motto.
Good drinking partners
always make bad drivers.
"Do I charge for the first mile?"