You better learn to write, Johnny,
so you can send me some letters.
- Mummy?
- What is it, Johnny?
- Has Daddy gone away for good?
- No, dear, he'll be back soon.
I want him to come back soon.
- Hello, Helen.
- I wish you hadn't come here.
I'm sorry, Helen.
I figured you'd need cheering up.
This is Mr. Townsend, Johnny.
- How do you do, Johnny?
- Hello, Mr. Townsend.
- Can I take you home?
- You shouldn't have come here.
Give me that dog, will you, Tom?
- Isn't he a beauty, Johnny?
- For me?
When I was your age,
I'd have given my right leg for one of those.
- Can I keep him, Mummy?
- Yes, Johnny.
Come along, let me take you home.
You'd have to take a taxi, anyway.
I'm no magician.
I can't pick her out of the air.
- I've done my best to find her.
- Did you try her home?
Sure. I tried her home
and I found out plenty. She's married.
- Married?
- And what's more, she's got a kid.
- A kid?
- And her husband's gone to Europe...
for his health.
- For his health?
- He sailed three weeks ago.
She ain't been home all day
and neither has the kid...
and nobody knows when she'll be back.
Maybe something's happened to them.
And me picking a winner
for the first time this year.