Blonde Venus

Do you want us to have her arrested?
No, I'm going after her myself.
She checked out about 8:00 this morning,
didn't leave a forwarding address.

If you're talking about Mrs. Blake,
I heard her phoning about trains to Norfolk.

Can I have a timetable, please?
- Get this gentleman a local timetable.
- Yes, sir.

Key for 515, please.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome, sir.

Please send a maid to 151.
No, 151.
- 175.
- Johnny!

No, it's definitely 151.
- 198.
- Yes.

- Hope they never find us.
- You bad boy.

- F.
- F.

- A.
- A.

- T.
- T.

- H.
- H.

- E.
- E.

- R.
- R.

- Father.
- Father.

Now, fill the whole page with it.
- Did you call me, ma'am?
- Come in.

- What's your name?
- Viola.

- Viola?
- Yes, ma'am.

Johnny, this is Viola. Viola, this is Johnny.
- How do you do, Johnny?
- Hello, Viola.

Viola is going to stay with you
until I come back.

There you are. You better not try
to get a job in this town, young lady...

if you want to keep out of sight.
I've had that circular for two days.
