And there was a man here an hour ago
that I think was your husband.
My husband!
Whoever he is, I've got the feeling
he doesn't like you very much.
And if I were you, I'd keep away
from cabarets altogether.
Please don't tell anyone I was here.
Don't worry. I've got a kid of my own.
Good luck.
85 cents.
- Is that a lot of money?
- No. I'm going to pay it right now.
I'm afraid I can't pay this.
- Why not?
- I haven't any money.
What'd you do, forget your purse?
My little boy was hungry.
We had to eat somewhere.
What do you think this is,
a free soup kitchen?
This is the third time today
I've been gypped out of a meal.
And, by golly,
I won't stand for any more of it.
I'm going to call up the police.
Don't call the police.
I'll wash dishes, clean up, anything.
You going to wash my dishes?
Go back and see the cook.
Come on, Johnny.
I'm going to show you a nice, big kitchen.
Won't that be fun?
- Can I take my sucker along?
- Of course you can.