They start to play follow-the-leader,
then it becomes ring-around-the-rosey.
Mae is so scared,
she's running around in circles.
If her fiancé sees her,
he'll think she's nutty.
She finally tells the monster she can't
play because she's got to be married.
The poor monster is broken-hearted
because nobody's afraid of him.
He has to sit down all day, because when
he stands up his feet touch the floor.
But finally he sees what he wants
and decides to go after it.
What can it be? Maybe it's Dracula.
Whatever it is, he wants it.
Why, it's our lobster-and-milk friend,
and look where he is.
He'd better look out,
or the monster will get him.
It's a good thing he's waking up,
or he might fall and break his chandelier.
And the moral of this story is:
You can milk a cow,
but a lobster is very ticklish.