
A lot of horrible, twisted things
crawling, whining, globbering.

Really, Jon, what were you
drinking last night?

Nothing, monsieur, I assure you.
Oh, monsieur, there must be
a law in France...

:07:20 smother such things at birth,
...or lock them up
All right, Jon,
...if there's anything like you say
on my grounds we'll have it removed.

Go away!
Go away all of you!
Don't you know tresspassing's
the same as stealing.

Oh, I'm sorry, monsieur.
I am Madame Tetrallini.
These are children of my circus.

Children! Monsters!
Oh, you're a circus. I understand.
So you see, monsieur,
...when I have a chance I like to
take them into the sunshine

...and let them play like children.
That is what most of them are...
Please forget the mistake, madame.
You are welcome to remain.

Au revoir. Come, Jon.
Thanks a thousand, monsieur.
Oh, shame, shame, shame.
How many times have I told you
not to be frightened.
